Sunday, December 24, 2006

Proof Grapevine Read by Power Brokers

Jon Stewart Reads the Homeless Grapevine

On the last Daily Show of the year 12/20/06, it was revealed that Jon Stewart or one of his writers reads the Homeless Grapevine. On Friday 12/15/06, the Homeless Grapevine went to press and came out on 12/19/06 in Cleveland. In the Grapevine, Kevin wrote this:

"At this point, I am ready to take a cue from Peter Pan and's commercials: I propose we all just close our eyes, clap our hands, and chant "I do believe in Cleveland, I do believe in Cleveland..." until it comes back to life like where is my $80,000. "

Then on Wednesday of this week, this Jon Stewart exchange:

Stewart: "The call for more troops inevitably re-raised that whole winning question..."
Clip from Bush press conference--
Reporter: "Yesterday you said, 'We're not winning; we're not losing.' Why did you drop your confident assertion about winning?"
Bush: "My comments...(pause) The first comment was done in the spirit...(pause) I believe that we're gonna win (with a Bush-style chuckle).
Stewart: "That's your Plan? Your plan is 'I believe we're going to win.' That can't be your plan!...Unless...Oh, my God...He's Peter Pan...He's Peter Pan and Iraq is Tinkerbell...'If you want to win in Iraq everybody clap your hands (pixie dust descends on the screen and Jon is clapping his hands). I know that we could do it.' (Laughing) Oh, sometimes I am such a dick.

Proof positive that Jon Stewart and the Daily Show writers are reading the Grapevine. You can too by picking up a copy at the West Side Market or by subscription. Support your local vendor by buying the Homeless Grapevine newspaper. A side note...this commentary by Kevin has generated a lot of attention in its first week. Some of our partners are not too happy about the negative reviews for the "Heading Home" Report. I hope that they will send in letters to express their anger for the readers to see the other side of the story.


P. S. There was a nice story on NPR Weekend Sunday Edition this morning about homelessness and poverty in Cincinnati's Over the Rhine District. It was a good look at homelessness that is not so dissimilar to the problems that every city faces.


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