Friday, October 06, 2006

Latest Grapevine Looks Toward Future

Press Release
For immediate release
October 6, 2006

For more information: contact Kevin at (216) 432-0540
or email

Latest Grapevine Looks Toward Future
A new issue of The Homeless Grapevine has just hit Cleveland streets! Our latest issue includes an in-depth interview with Robert Egger. Egger is the Founder of the DC Central Kitchen in Washington, DC, which collects and distributes donated food to the area while training its clients in the culinary arts. Egger is also the former Interim Director of United Way of America and spoke to the Grapevine about the history of the non-profit sector, his frustrations with it, and where he believes they are heading. He also discussed his efforts to change the sector, including the upcoming Non-Profit Congress.

Our loyal readers will also eagerly devour the profile of one of The Homeless Grapevine’s oldest and longest-serving vendors, Arthur Price. Price has been a constant presence at the West Side Market and on Cleveland streets for several years. The article details his individual struggles throughout life, and his family’s inter-generational battles with cancer.

Families are also struggling to stay together when faced with homelessness, according to a commentary in our latest issue. The commentary decries the county policies which forces families to break up and by forcing them to stay in different shelters. This commentary also chastises the religious shelter, Zelma George, for requiring parents to provide proof of marriage just to gain admittance.

Homeless individuals won’t be able to stay at the airport either, according to a brief in our Local News sections. The Local News also discusses the City’s ongoing discussion about Bird Flu, as well as the brewing battle over a local Furniture Bank. Additionally, we examine the priorities of the Second Homeless Congress, and the Cuyahoga County Election Board’s Misinterpretation of the new voting regulations.

This misinterpretation was also a big concern at the September meeting of the Cuyahoga Affordable Housing Alliance Meeting in September, which we also cover in our latest edition. The article also discusses Cuyahoga County’s extremely high foreclosure rate, and the need for a Hosuing Trust Fund in the county.

As always, Northeast Ohio’s Street newspaper has much more, including original commentaries, poetry, photographs, and a new cartoon from local artist Mike MacMillan. The Homeless Grapevine is always available at the West Side Market, The Whispering Willow Coffee House near Lakewood on Madison and W. 117th, at the NEOCH offices, or from any licensed vendor. A complimentary copy is enclosed for your records.


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